
  • A Novel Platform for Rapid Generation of Covalent Biotherapeutics (No. T4-2282)

    Covalent drugs have emerged as a groundbreaking modality for improving the affinity, potency, and duration of action of molecularly targeted inhibitors. Prof. ... Read more
    Senior Scientist Nir London

    Nir London

    Faculty of Chemistry

  • Adapters for Targeted Viral Vector-Based Therapies (No. T4-2229)

    A major challenge in developing viral-based therapies, such as gene therapies, CAR-T cell immunotherapy, and oncolytic virotherapy, is that the most efficient vectors and viruses are not specific, preventing their direct administration to the patient. Prof. ... Read more
    Prof Menachem Rubinstein

    Menachem Rubinstein

    Faculty of Biochemistry

  • High Throughput Screening Platform For Inhibitors of Viral Membrane Fusion (No. T4-2213)

    Enveloped viruses pose significant health risks and lack effective treatments. Inhibiting viral membrane fusion, a crucial step in infection, holds promise for antiviral drug development. Dr. ... Read more
    Prof Ori Porat Avinoam

    Ori Porat Avinoam

    Faculty of Biochemistry

  • Safer CAR-T Cell Platform (No. T4-2033)

    Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR)-T Cell Therapy is a personalized treatment for cancer in which the patient's T cells are genetically engineered to express a synthetic receptor that binds a tumor antigen. ... Read more
    Associate Professor Sarel FLEISHMAN

    Sarel-Jacob Fleishman

    Faculty of Biochemistry

  • A Method to Identify Actively Degraded Proteins (No. T4-1832)

    This technology provides a method to identify the full landscape of proteins that are actively being degraded by the proteasome, offering a way to identify novel targets in various biological conditions and contexts. ... Read more
    Senior Scientist Yifat Merbl

    Yifat Merbl

    Faculty of Biology

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