
  • Universal CAR-Ts for Treating Cancer (No. T4-1884)

    Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cells (CAR-Ts) are one of the revolutionary technologies of the twenty-first century, invented by Prof. Zelig Eshhar at the Weizmann Institute of Science. ... Read more
    Emeritus Zelig Eshhar

    Zelig Eshhar

    Faculty of Biology

  • Targeting Novel Regulator for Improved Hematopoietic Stem Cells Generation (No. T4-1874)

    A potential method of generating hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation by inhibiting CD74. ... Read more
    Full Professor Idit Shachar

    Idit Shachar

    Faculty of Biology

  • Microbiome-Based Prediction, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Relapsing Obesity (No. T4-1805)

    A novel method for analyzing the likelihood of weight regain following a weight loss program and maintaining target body weight, based on gut microbiome analysis. ... Read more
    Associate Professor Eran Elinav

    Eran Elinav

    Faculty of Biology

    Full Professor Eran Segal

    Eran Segal

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Treating Drug-Resistant Lung Cancer Using a Combination of Antibodies (No. T4-1774)

    A novel method to treat tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) resistant cancer by using a combination of three antibodies that target EGFR (ERBB1), HER2 (ERBB2), and HER3 (ERBB3) receptors. ... Read more
    Extension Service Yosef Yarden

    Yosef Yarden

    Faculty of Biology

  • Treatment of Heart Failure by Inducing Cardiomyocyte Proliferation (No. T4-1752)

    Regulating ErbB2 signaling in cardiomyocytes (CM) as novel treatment for heart diseases by inducing regeneration of cardiac tissue. ... Read more
    Full Professor Eldad Tzahor

    Eldad Tzahor

    Faculty of Biology

  • Preventing Infections Using Lipid Based Molecules (No. T4-1673)

    Sphingosine (SPH), a natural bactericidal agent which acts as a part of the human innate immune system in the skin, was found to be an effective treatment and prophylaxis for bacterial lung infections in cystic fibrosis (CF) mice. ... Read more
    Full Professor Anthony H. Futerman

    Anthony H. Futerman

    Faculty of Biochemistry

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Of Tissue Fibrosis without Contrast Agent (No. T4-1665)

    Cardiac fibrosis is a scarring event in the cardiac muscle that causes abnormalities in cardiac function and significantly increases the risk of sudden cardiac death. ... Read more
    Full Professor Michal Neeman

    Michal Neeman

    Faculty of Biology

  • Optimizing T Cell Receptor Avidity for Adoptive T Cell Therapies (No. T4-1662)

    Using affinity maturated TCRs to generate reactive T cells ... Read more
    Emeritus Rachel Lea Eisenbach

    Rachel Lea Eisenbach

    Faculty of Biology

  • Antibody Based Therapy to Treat Cancer and GI Related Diseases (No. T4-1640)

    A novel therapeutic antibody against MMP-7, with exceptional specificity, for the treatment of aggressive cancers. ... Read more
    Full Professor Irit Sagi

    Irit Sagi

    Faculty of Biology

  • Repurposing of a Small Molecule Drug for ALS Treatment (No. T4-1632)

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) remains an incurable neurodegenerative disease, in need of innovative treatment options. Prof. Eran Hornstein and his team identified microRNAs (miRNA) as pivotal regulators of ALS progression. ... Read more
    Associate Professor Eran Hornstein

    Eran Hornstein

    Faculty of Biochemistry



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