Research Tools
499F (No. M7-265)


Monoclonal antibodies specific to cholesterol/ceramide mixture
Description: Monoclonal antibodies specific for cholesterol/ceramide-rich domains (clones 405F, 14F, 499F) and cholesterol micro-domains (clones 36A1, 5881) in cell membranes.
Originally raised against an artificial monolayer of lipid mixtures in, and were shown to specifically label the above domains in different cell membranes.
Reference:  Scheffer L, Futerman AH, Addadi L. 2007. Antibody labeling of cholesterol/ceramide ordered domains in cell membranes. Chembiochem 8(18):2286-94.

Dr Luana Scheffer

Luana Scheffer

Structural Biology
All projects (2)
Emeritus Lia Addadi

Lia Addadi

Faculty of Chemistry
Chemical and Structural Biology
All projects (4)
Contact for more information

Dr. Yael Klionsky

General Manager of WIN – Weizmann Innovation Nest

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