Software & Algorithms(11)

  • Sparsity Based Non-Contact Vital Signs Monitoring of Multiple People Via Radar (No. T4-2257)

    The rise in chronic health conditions, alongside the increase in the elderly population, emphasizes the importance of long-term monitoring in addition to urgent intervention. ... Read more
    Full Professor Yonina Eldar

    Yonina Eldar

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Nonlinear Waveform Inversion for Quantitative Ultrasound (No. T4-2254)

    Conventional ultrasound brightness-mode images do not provide sufficient contrast for certain anatomical structures and have a poor physical interpretation. This can highly affect the medical diagnosis reliability. ... Read more
    Full Professor Yonina Eldar

    Yonina Eldar

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Splicing ViT Features for Semantic Appearance Transfer (No. T4-2192)

    Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions are vastly available for applications such as object segmentation, image detection, visual creation, writing assistance, and many more. There is a continuous quest to improve photograph editing software and existing AI systems. ... Read more
    Dr Tali Dekel

    Tali Dekel

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Artificial Pancreas (No. T4-1942)

    The alarmingly sharp increase in type 1 diabetes mellitus incidence in recent years has been coupled with a marked rise in the development of closed-loop systems aimed at continuously monitoring blood glucose levels, predicting glucose behavior and delivering adjusted insulin doses. ... Read more
    Full Professor Eran Segal

    Eran Segal

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Prosody Based Speech Analysis (No. T4-1856)

    A major part of human communication is conveyed through intonation, or prosody – the music of speech. ... Read more

    Tirza Biron


    Prof Elisha Moses

    Elisha Moses

    Faculty of Physics

    Prof David Harel

    David Harel

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Super-Resolution Using Unsupervised Deep Internal Network (No. T4-1850)

    Optical and dimensional limitations of images can be partially overcome today using signal enhancement technologies which typically rely on supervised, deep-learning methods. ... Read more
    Full Professor Michal Irani

    Michal Irani

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Secure Search of Encrypted Cloud Data (No. T4-1840)

    Searchable symmetric encryption with practical big-data performance and strong security Highlights ... Read more
    Full Professor Moni Naor

    Moni Naor

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • An Off-Line Image Search Engine (No. T4-1647)

    Although images search engines are available online, offline networks and databases (in governmental offices, banks, etc.) require an efficient and reliable image search engine. ... Read more
    Full Professor Michal Irani

    Michal Irani

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Super Resolution from a Single Visual Source (No. T4-1522)

    Many imaging devices produce signals of unsatisfactory resolution (e.g. a photo from a cell-phone camera may have low spatial resolution or a video from a web camera may have both spatial and temporal low resolution). ... Read more
    Full Professor Michal Irani

    Michal Irani

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Smart Resize of Images & Videos (No. T4-1461)

    Data storage of images and videos became a real issue in the last years when pictures and videos are taken and shared more often, and the memory devices aren’t being minimized fast enough. ... Read more
    Full Professor Michal Irani

    Michal Irani

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science



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