
  • Highly Sensitive Nanoscale Scanning Magnetic and Thermal Sensor (No. T4-1481)

    A new technology developed by a group of researchers from the Weizmann Institute is a nanoscale sensor-on-tip for local magnetic signals and thermal dissipation with state-of-the-art sensitivity and spatial resolution. ... Read more
    Full Professor Eli Zeldov

    Eli Zeldov

    Faculty of Physics

  • High-Performance Electrochromic Devices (No. T4-1380)

    High-performance electrochromic materials that exhibit a practical combination of low-voltage operation and efficient color-switching, as well as long-term stability have been developed by the group of Prof. van der Boom. ... Read more
    Full Professor Milko E. Van der Boom

    Milko E. Van der Boom

    Faculty of Chemistry



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